How does ‘Wizio: Post Purchase Upsell’ app work for Shopify stores?
The app’s main feature is to display the offer page after the order is confirmed, but before the thank you page so, the customer can redeem the offer without adding payment details again and the same order will be updated with new payments calculation.

What is Post Purchase upsell for Shopify store ?
Post purchase upsell enables merchants to add a post purchase page directly into the Shopify checkout. The post purchase page appears after the order is confirmed, but before the thank you page. You can use this app to add an offer or gift for your customer to increase your sales and AOV (Average Order Value)
What does the offer mean ?
Offer means something you are offering your customers to buy with extra discounts, with less price or even a free gift which is available in your store based on customer’s ordered products. You can increase your sale and average order value with different offers like, if customer is placing an order for mobile phone then offer them a case cover at discounted price.
Learn moreHow to uninstall / remove this app ?
To uninstall the app just go to your store admin -> Apps -> find our app Wizio: Post Purchase Upsell App.
- Click on the delete button and the popup will be open.
- Select delete reason and add details and click on “Delete” button to uninstall the app.
That’s it, there is no other steps required.
Why do post purchase upsell offers not show ?
There’s multiple reason when offer will not show to your customer as below :
- If the app is disabled from Settings -> Checkout -> Post-purchase page.
- If none of the eligibility rule satisfied with ordered content.
- If all offers are expired or in disable mode.
- If selected offer product is out of stock.
How to create an offer / funnel / campaign ?
To create offer there’s simple steps to follow :
- Go to Shopify Store Admin -> Apps -> open Wizio: Post Purchase Upsell app.
- Go to Offers -> Create Offer.
- Add & select pre requisite details to create offers like title, eligibility rules and time duration.
- Then choose a product to continue.
- Now you will get an offer page setting window for more configuration.
For more information please refer this video :
Learn moreHow to offer a free gift ?
You can select Free Gift option on first step of offer setup, Free means 100% discount on offer. Customer will get a free offer after payment page on checkout.
Learn moreHow to activate or inactivate the offer ?
To change offer status,
- Go to Shopify Store Admin > Apps -> open Wizio: Post Purchase Upsell app -> click Offers.
- From the offer list you can change the status switch enable/disable.
How does the app Wizio: Post Purchase Upsell works ?
This Shopify app is to show different offers after the order is placed & confirmed, but before the thank you page, so there is no fear of loosing sales.
Customer can redeem the offer and the same order will be updated with new payments calculation. With this app, you can offer multiple offers based on accept or decline initial offer by customer.
App comes with various eligibility rules, which decides when to display offer and when it should not. for example, Based on Items count in the cart, amount of items added in the cart, product added in the cart, etc.
Learn moreHow to select an offer product?
Here are the steps and guidance of how to create an offer product,
Few things to follow,
- Create offer product.
- Variants selection.
- Add, Delete and Edit Accept and Decline offer.
- Product related settings.
- General settings.
- Offer preview.
How to show a specific bundles manually on the product page?
Display bundles anywhere in your store using Bundle ID.
Just Copy & Paste the div tag given below in a template (liquid code) where you would like to display specific bundles.
<div class="wz-specific-bundle-block" data-bundles="Ex: 123, 456.."></div>
How to show a manual Frequently Bought Together on the product page?
Display bundles anywhere in your store with a html tag.
Just Copy & Paste the div tag given below in a template / liquid file where you would like to display frequently bought together.
<div class="wz-fbt-bundle-block"></div>
How to show a manual Quantity Bundles on the product page?
Display bundles anywhere in your store using html tag.
Just Copy & Paste a div tag given below in a template / liquid code where you would like to display quantity bundles.
<div class="wz-quantity-bundle-block"></div>
How to show a manual Variant Bundles on the product page?
Display bundles anywhere in your store with a tag.
Just Copy & Paste the div tag given below in a template / liquid file where you would like to display variant bundles.
<div class="wz-variant-bundle-block"></div>
How to show a manual Product Bundles on the product page?
Display bundles anywhere in your store with just a HTML tag.
Just Copy & Paste the div tag given below in a template (liquid file) where you would like to display product bundles.
<div class="wz-product-bundle-block"></div>
Why discount code is not visible or applied to the cart ?
Don’t worry the discount will be applied to the checkout process directly.
How many bundles does each product show?
It can show one bundle for one bundle type.
If you’ve setup multiple Quantity Break bundle available in the application. Then it will choose a bundle created first and display.
Same thing will be applied for Product / Variant / Frequently Bought Together bundles.
How to Customize appearance settings?
Go to the app settings then scroll down the page to the Appearance section. Where you can customize almost everything to match your store theme / color design.
Do you update the inventory level of the items in a bundle?
No, App does not handle inventory level. The inventory level will be managed by Shopify itself.
Difference between Draft Order Bundle and Discount Code bundle?
The draft order opens the checkout page directly and applies the discount without the discount code. Simply put, the draft order works the way Shopify’s “Buy It Now” button works.
The main difference between the Draft Order Bundle and Discount Code Bundle is, you can track orders from Google Analytics or Facebook pixel in a discount code bundle which you are not able to do with the draft order bundle method.
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